Despite being an agrarian economy, agriculture was once neglected in this country. Turuns had no interest in the profession. However, large yields were needed to meet the food needs of a starving country with a large population. Farmers needed to be introduced to the definition of modern agriculture. Development of agriculture through the promotion of fish farming, poultry farming, and vegetable production was suggested, i.e. diversification of agriculture from paddy and jute farming through various means.
As the educated youth started getting involved in agriculture, agriculture began to break out of the traditional way of thinking. The youth have played a major role in the nutritional development of Bangladesh today. At one time the source of income for rural farmers was poultry, cow and goat rearing. But youths have not only become self-reliant by poultry, cattle farming, or fish farming but also created many employment opportunities.
The problem caused by the lack of employment in this country is the problem of unemployment. The unemployment problem is one of the obstacles to the development of Bangladesh. So many people from big industrialists to small traders are looking for agriculture-based businesses. Young people have no choice but to bring about effective change, especially in agriculture.
Source: Bangladesh Daily